September 8, 2023

To All Members:

The room block for our Annual Meeting / Convention at the Hotel Caribe is already sold out.  

Right now there is an even bigger problem, because our Sponsors are having a difficult time booking a room and they are the ones that provide the many great events we rely on to make the event a social success for everyone, in addition to entertaining their clients who are in attendance.

I asked the hotel to explain how the block sold out so quickly, and I was told that many unions booked in excess of 6 rooms, causing the block to be sold out almost immediately.

I am meeting with the Convention Committee and we are having lengthy discussions on how to resolve this. If sponsors cannot get rooms, they may not attend, and the events that have been sponsored for the past 20 years will not be booked.

For those that want to know why we just do not increase the room block, let me be clear.  The current room block numbers are in the contracts which were negotiated three years ago, Those numbers were based on 20+ years of conference history.  In order to increase the room block we would have to reopen the contracts and our room rates and amenities would then be back on the negotiating table. The rates for 2023, ‘24, ‘25, and ‘26 are already set.  The hotel would love for me to reopen these contracts, and their rates would start at $500. per night plus a $45. resort fee.  In today’s climate, it is unheard of for Hilton to charge our current block rate of $208. per night with a 20. resort fee.

I am currently working with the hotel to try and rectify the situation, but if they are able to provide additional rooms, clearly the rate will not be 208.00.

All I can advise you to do now is send me an email informing me of the room(s) you need and the exact dates.  I cannot promise anything at this time, but I can tell you that the primary reason for what has happened is the excessive booking of rooms.  I would ask all who have already booked to re-evaluate the number of rooms that you need, and if possible, consider freeing up some rooms .  Right now I am trying to make sure that the President or Business Manager of each union has a room; at this time some do not.

We have to somehow get through this year’s conference and work on correcting this problem going forward.

If we are successful in obtaining additional rooms, the inventory and registrations will go through me and not the hotel.

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