Single Payer Update

June 8, 2021

Board of Directors/Legislative Directors:

As we enter the last week of the state legislative session, we remain vigilant on the single payer issue.  While I am feeling more optimistic about defeating this ill-advised proposal, I still will not rest until it is defeated.

I have attached to this email a copy of the full-page ad “An Open Letter to the New York State Legislature”.  This was placed in several publications around the state, including the Albany Times-Union by the Realities of Single Payer group, of which NYSPEC is signed on as a supporter.  We participated in their virtual meetings to share ideas and strategies to defeat this proposed legislation.

Also attached is the letter from NYS Comptroller Tom DiNapoli in response to my request to him and his counterpart in the City of New York, Scott Stringer, for a cost analysis of the proposed single payer legislation on behalf of the members of NYSPEC.  I cannot stress enough the importance of the response from Comptroller DiNapoli, the significance of which you will see when you read it.  I felt it was important to share his response with you; we will be using his letter to support our opposition to the bills.  Unfortunately, to date we have had no response from Mr. Stringer.

Finally, also attached is a copy of a piece by public radio’s David Lombardo, in which Assemblyman Gottfried, the chief architect of single payer, laments the seeming inability to get the bill done.  This interview adds credence to the pressure that NYSPEC, along with many others, has been exerting; hopefully this will result in the bills not even coming up for a vote.

Remember, NYSPEC sent letters to each legislator highlighting our objections to single payer.  While, as I said, I am feeling better each day about its defeat, we will continue to mount the pressure until the session ends.

In Unity,

Peter D. Meringolo


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