Request for Memo in Support

July 9, 2021

Board of Directors/Legislative Directors

Christina Lampropoulos, President of Bridge & Tunnel Superior Officers Benevolent Association and Wayne Joseph, President of Bridge & Tunnel Officers Benevolent Association have requested that NYSPEC issue a memo in support of the below listed legislation.

S6976 Sponsored by Senator Gounardes

A7727 Sponsored by Assemblyman Abbate

This legislation has passed both houses of the legislature and will lift the retirement age restriction imposed on the Officers, Sergeants and Lieutenants of the Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority. This legislation will enable members who have completed their 20 years of service and are no longer contributing to NYCERS to retire with their pension much like other law enforcement officers in the state. It will also reduce the financial burden on TBTA paying the salaries of these officers who the TBTA has represented that they are not planning on replacing.

In accordance with NYSPEC's policy with respect to issuance of legislative support or opposition memoranda, if I do not receive any response opposing  the issuance of a support memo by close of business July 14, 2021,  I will direct that the memo be issued.

You are not required to respond to this notice unless you oppose the issuance of the memo.

You can also send memos of support for this bill on your own letterhead.

In Unity,

Peter D. Meringolo



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